
Sinfonier Backend Docker


As part of project Sinfonier. This Docker image installs the core backend library in maven repository. The container installs the library and finishes. This is provided as an example of how to install the library in the maven repository, and for an easy setup, but really it's not mandatory to use this container and may be better to install manually.


It needs to have a maven repository to point to. The settings.xml provided has the credentials needed to point to the artifactory maven repository shown in docker-compose.yml


You can redefine the following environment variables to change to your repository. Here are with its predefined values: ENV MVN_TARGET_HOST=artifactory ENV MVN_TARGET_PORT=8081 ENV MVN_TARGET_USER=admin ENV MVN_TARGET_PASSWORD=password ENV MVN_TARGET_ID=central ENV MVN_TARGET_NAME=libs-release ENV MVN_TARGET_URL_PATH=artifactory/libs-release ENV MVN_TARGET_URL_LOCAL_PATH=artifactory/libs-release-local

Sinfonier Backend Api Docker


As part of project Sinfonier. This Docker image raises a python server used by frontend to communicate with storm.


It needs to have a maven repository to point to. The settings.xml provided has the credentials needed to point to the artifactory maven repository shown in docker-compose.yml Also a storm process must be up and running to submit topologies and explore it's status


  • Configuration can be done using environment variables:

    • SINFONIER_API_HOST: ip where to raise the server
    • SINFONIER_API_HOST: port where to listen
    • STORM_UI_HOST: storm ui api host
    • STORM_UI_PORT: storm ui api port
  • When code of modules is stored in Gist, a github user an token must be provided:

  • Mongo configuration

    • MONGO_DATABASE: Database name
    • MONGO_AUTH: true or false. Indicates if auth is set
  • Maven

    • INTERNAL_MVN_REPOSITORY: true or false. Indicates if uses an internal maven repository or works with local cache

If the previous variable is set to true, then you can define the location of repository with these variables: MVN_REPOSITORY_ID: maven repository id MVN_REPOSITORY_URL: Url to access the repository i.e.: http://artifactory:8081/artifactory/libs-release-local

Sinfonier Web Docker

  • Introduction

As part of project Sinfonier. This Docker image starts the front part of the project. It is advised to use docker compose to start this image, because it has a lot of dependencies from other modules and services.

  • Dependencies

It needs to have a mongodb database. You can change mongodb location changing the environment variable. By default is http://api

docker run  -e "STORM_HOST_ENV=http://localhost" sinfonierdocker_web

Also it needs to have a sinfonier-backend-api instance running: Location URI can be overridden by an environment variable too. By default is mongodb://mongo:27017

docker run  -e "MONGO_URI_ENV=mongodb://mongo:27017" sinfonierdocker_web